Sunday, 20 July 2014

Minutes away from an insane world.

It's been a while since we are continuously subjected to news about the world losing its way on a serious ride of anti-normal acts. Lots of incomprehensible events, attacks, worldly decisions and lost lives.
So, i believe it's better for us all to stop analyzing and start praying/meditating asking God /whatever power you believe in whether to make us of use in this world or to make us spend our lives as tourists and die peacefully.

Hereafter, this is one of the posts that is so powerful i watched on Upworthy recently, and i thought to share here. The performer is the world famous word poet Sarah Kay (You can watch one of her amazing word poem performance in TedX here)
The poem mainly speaks to women to unleash their powers and be embraced with self-confidence about their past relationships. The poem is so good that you can translate it in many forms according to your perspective, that's why i wanted to share it here on my blog. There is no specific reason of sharing this other than contemplating on good words, people and stories that keep us sane, humane and aware.

My favorite part:

It is hard to stop loving the ocean, even after it has left you gasping, salty. So forgive yourself for the decisions you've made. The ones you still call mistakes when you tuck them in at night and know this; know you are the type of woman who is searching for a place to call yours. Let the statues crumble. You have always been the place. You are a woman who can build it yourself. You were born to build."


May your days be filled with more peace and less misery. 

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